

Silas will reveal to Lynsey that another girl will be murdered on Halloween Night if she can not guess correctly the victom.
Her choices are:
Teresa McQueen
Amy Barns
And herself
Lynsey gets it wrong so ofcourse he strikes again. He attends the Halloween Party in Chez-Chez where all the victoms are and follows one outside. The girl who is murdered is wearing a Catwoman outfit while he is dressed as The Grimereeper. So when watching Hollyoaks and you see someone wearing a catwoman outfit, you’ll know they are going to die next.
Each of the victoms have been given a chess piece. Lynsey has been given A Queen chess piece. As she is to guess who is going to die next, will she take the clue and think it will be Teresa McQueen. Or will she thinks its a double bluff to throw her off the scent. Time will tell.
Enjoy the game =D